Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Yes I Did Finish My Skirt

Here's a hanger shot of my skirt, completed this afternoon. My photographer is at a Broadway show right now and I wanted to publish this post.
The skirt hem is uneven on the hanger. On me, though, it's straight all around. :)

Yesterday, my husband, telling me his plan for tomorrow (today), "Wait. Why should I *pay* to go to the Central Park Zoo? New York City *is* a zoo!" He's having so much fun. It will be great to have him back home tomorrow.
Blessings and peace...


  1. Loveyly skirt Sandra. Hope you enjoy wearing it!

    1. Hi Lynda, Thanks for your compliment! I'm glad I finished it (I love to complete projects), and I think it's pretty. However, I don't know how much I'll wear it -- I don't really have any tops to go with it. (Hmmm, I do still have some fabric left.) I'll have to see if I have a pattern for a simple top.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Judi, Thanks for leaving such a lovely comment!

  3. That looks like a lovely skirt. You will have to take a picture of it on when your photographer returns.

    1. Hi BeaJay, Thanks so much for your compliment! It will be next week before we'll have time to take photos. DH has been in New York City for a few days (400 miles away), and we have plans for every day til next week.

  4. So pretty and "floaty" - great job!!

    1. Hi Linda, Thanks -- yes, it's "floaty"; I'm so glad I finished it. One of the things I learned is that I can't take such long breaks between garment sewing -- it must be like exercise: use it or lose it. I made so many mistakes; you have no idea how many things I had to unstitch and restitch. Ay-yi-yi!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Roz. I'm looking forward to wearing it.

  6. Sandra, What a lovely skirt - no tops to wear with it? Well there's only one thing to do then....

  7. Pretty skirt! I like the color combination.


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