Monday, October 14, 2013

My First Sew Along: Make a Garment a Month

Inspired by seeing the cute green button over at the right, which I've seen on several sewing friends' blogs, I've decided to join in my first sew along. It's a personal challenge to make one garment each month. From Sarah Liz, who is hosting this sew along, "I think being in a group is motivating, and is a great way to "show and tell" to other people who also share a love of sewing." Here are the rules:
  1. The garment must be for you and not for someone else - this challenge is also about personal sewing space and your sewing needs. This is special sewing-for-you time.
  2. Choose a garment at the beginning of the month that you want to make up as your garment of the month. It can be from a pattern, an idea, a picture from a magazine, snoop shopping - whatever you like. Post this choice for the month on your blog and tell everyone what pattern you are using or what choice you are making.
  3. Blog about the garment when you have finished it (and in between if you want to). Please take a photo of yourself wearing the garment - and if you feel that you would like to, style the garment as well.  Clearly label the post "Make a Garment a Month" - my garment for "month".
  4. If you want to link back to my blog, you are welcome to do so.
Wish me luck! Off to ponder... what shall I make?
Blessings and peace...


  1. Hello Sandra - it's lovely to have you with us. I'll add you the blog roll.

    If you can make something simple this month, that's great, but don't put yourself under pressure. There is always November to complete. I think that is fair for people who have only just found out. Look forward to seeing what you make :)

    1. Hi Sarah Liz, Thanks for starting this sew along and for coming here to cut me some slack. Something simple? Absolutely. In fact, they'll probably all be simple. LOL

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the welcome to this nice group!

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Roz, Thanks for visiting and leaving this perspective. I am going to remember that, especially if I do any sewing after 9 pm, which I absolutely know for a fact is a 100% guarantee of mistakes, and usually big ones. :) Fun, this is going to be fun!

  4. I just started sewing and reading blogs about sewing. I don't have a blog of my own and I would like to try (Garment a Month) is this possible without a blog? I've been reading all about fitting for months now.

    1. Hi Sherry, Thanks for visiting my little blog. Of course you can join in this sew along! Sarah Liz, who started this sew along has the guidelines at -- and I just looked and 2 participants don't have blogs. (((Of course, you could always start a blog... it's easy, mostly.)))

    2. Thank you Sandra, I found her blog after read it on yours. I'll check out the guidelines on her blog and ask her a few question. I'm hoping to push myself by jump in and learning how sew and fit myself.

  5. Have fun Sandra! I am winding down with wardrobe sewing and beginning to plan for traveling this winter or I would jump in with both feet.

    1. Hi Mary, Yes you have done a lot of great sewing, so you can sit back and cheer us on from afar! Thanks for visiting and leaving your comment -- I appreciate you -- always!

  6. yes it is true, I think when we have a community in tailor clothes, then our ideas will also be developed. I also applaud those of you who have a target to make 1 shirt per month. I'm sure sandra will be able to get better and professionals in the field of sewing


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