
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Progress Report About Those Quilting Fabrics

I am happy to report that I have used the majority of the quilting fabrics that I blogged about here. And I used at least a yard of another quilting fabric as well as a yard of flannel, which I used instead of batting. For tabletop things such as placemats and table runners, I prefer a thinner, flatter finish rather than a puffy, quilt-like finish, so I use flannel fabric instead of batting. Oh, plus I came across a few (?) yards of flannel before I looked for batting.

So far I've made one short table runner and four placemats. Here are a couple of photos:
Four placemats

Two placemats and a table runner
And here is how we usually use placemats: on top of a tablecloth. (It's easier to launder placemats than tablecloths, plus as the weather cools, the tablecloth adds a bit of warmth.)
All ready for today
I'm including a few construction details for you and also to help me remember for next time.
Press and then pin the completed placemat top to flannel. Notice that the corner pins are parallel to the edge rather than at a 45 degree angle, which makes the stitching easier. Machine baste about 1/8 in. in from the edge of the placemat top.
Optional: Trim to remove flannel.
Press the pieced top, which has been basted to the flannel, to the backing fabric (brown), which is placed wrong side up. Trim. Then move the backing fabric to on top of the the pieced top and pin, marking (with two pins or a clip) the place to stop stitching, which will create the opening for turning.
From the back, you can see the 1/4 in. stitching all around, except for about 4 in. at the center of the bottom, which is the opening for turning. Clip the corners. Turn. Press. Machine quilt.
One placemat, completed. 
One table runner, completed.

I am planning to make another table runner, narrower so that it can be used with four placemats. And it looks like I will make some coasters. And maybe some trim and pockets for an apron.

I welcome any other ideas. I'm really glad I decided to use this fabric now rather than know that it will be next fall before I am motivated to use it again. It's so autumnal! 

Blessings and peace...


  1. This really sets the mood for fall-very pretty!

  2. beauuuuutiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can smell the crisp, fall air

  3. they are beautiful!! you used your materials perfectly!!

  4. How lovely! They are perfect for the season, Sandra:)
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with us.
    Blessings to you!

  5. Sandra, those are so lovely. Makes me want to break out the autumn decorations! You are a talented lady.

  6. Roz, Kiera, Theresa, Gabriella, and Angela, Wow, I am overwhelmed at your lovely and kind comments. Thank you so much! Yes, they have put me in the mood for fall. In fact, I have apples baking in the oven right now. :)

  7. They are DARLING! I really need to make placemats. I have used the same ones for 15 years!!!

    Hugs, Joy

    1. Joy, thank you! You know how easy they are to make. Go for it! We have lots of them!

  8. Lovely! And so perfect for this time of year. My only problem would be if someone spilled something on them I might have a heart attack ;)

    1. Hi Rhonda! Thanks for your compliments. And you made me LOL about spillage. Messy people live here. Our placemats are laundered regularly. And the little table runner will have melted wax on it before the month is over, guaranteed. I think that maybe knowing how they will be used and loved makes it easy to let go of my perfectionist ways. :)

  9. Laury, thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment.

  10. You do such beautiful work! And you reminded me to get out my fall tablecloths!

    1. Hi Diana, thank you so much! Your compliment means a lot to me -- I've seen many photos of your amazing sewing! And yes, it's time to get out the autumn decor!

  11. Love your place mats and your table and chairs are to die for. Beautiful!!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for visiting and for leaving such lovely comments. The chairs were made locally some years ago, and we bought the table, um, er, oops, I forget where and when! It has started to show signs of wear and tear, or as I like to say, love and affection! :)

  12. what a pretty dining area...I'll be over for tea and cookies!

    1. Hi Mary, The kettle's on... will you be here soon? :)

  13. Sandra -- those are gorgeous! I love the fabric - subtly fall without screaming orange. These types of table linens are so easy to use and really set the scene. Congratulations.

    1. Hi Diane, Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment. Yes, I am finding that they *are* easy to use. Soft colors suit me, especially in my surroundings


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