
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fabric Pumpkins: Easy No-Sew Craft Project and a Giveaway

A couple of years ago, I hosted a little Craft Day for a friend, her two daughters, and their four little children. I'm not really used to doing this; most of my sewing are solo projects. However, when I saw this tutorial over at the Sew Thankful blog, I just had to invite them over so we could make these together! I knew it would be fun. (I was right.) The one I made is shown in this photo from my most recent sewing project: It's the pumpkin on the table runner. 

The small pumpkin (the size I made) uses a fat quarter of fabric, and the large pumpkin uses 1 yard of fabric. 

Here I am demonstrating  the fabric-tucking technique.

Two cute little girls selecting "leaves" from my collection of fabric swatches.

That was easy!

And, exhausting!

Photos used with permission, of course.

Giveaway: Would you like to make one of the small pumpkins but don't have any suitable orange (or green or purple) fabric? Let me know in the comments by Thursday, October 3; I'll select a couple of names and send a fat quarter to each person selected. You see that I have more than enough! Or just leave a comment, even if you have fabric and/or if you aren't going to make one of these. My feelings won't be hurt, I promise! :) 'cuz you know how we bloggers love comments!

Blessings and peace...


  1. Sandra, these are adorable and I would love to be a winner so I can attempt to make one of these cute pumpkins! (May have to hand the job off to my crafty 11 yo though!!)

    1. Hi Angie, Nice to hear from you! Trust me, your crafty 11 year old could do this easy peasy. :)

  2. I think my favorite part of this project is the little helpers! :)

    1. Hi Emily, Thanks for your participation in this little contest. And hey, you've got some helpers in your neck of the woods, too. And did you notice -- no sewing! I think at least some of them would love it!

  3. Love easy and super-cute crafts! Love those adorable models too :)

    1. Hi Janelle, Those models and their siblings are a bunch of cuties, aren't they! Doesn't it seem like we did this last fall?

  4. These are just so clever, and cute! Very clever use of little leftover swatches as well. And your little helpers are an added bonus ... J

    1. Hi Judith! Thanks for visiting. I tell ya, the little helpers are the reason we did it!

  5. Adorable pumpkins, love the last 2 fabrics.

    1. Hi Quilting Tangent, Welcome to my blog! I think this might be your first comment here. I'll keep your preferences in mind, in case you're one of the winners. And thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  6. Love the pumpkins & pumpkin helpers! Is that batting that you use to wrap the fabric around? I think I would have several 4-legged helpers if I attempted making these!

    1. Hi Betsy, Haha! Actually, our Maxwell wasn't the least bit interested. But at your house, I think that kitties outnumber humans; you might have to bring in a bunch of toddlers. That always works here to make Maxwell disappear! Thanks for visiting. Oh and the link to the tutorial lists all the supplies needed.

  7. What is UNDER the orange fabric? Is it a bowl, or batting, or styrofoam, or what??? I don't need any fabric. Cute project and darling kids!

    1. Hi Joy, Thanks for visiting. The link to the tutorial lists all the supplies. Let's just say that after you make this project, it's nice to know that you always have one more roll, in case of emergency. Haha! And thanks for the compliments about the little ones. They are not only cute but just the sweetest little ones, along with their siblings, anywhere. Love them!

  8. I'm looking forward to trying this with my kiddos! But, I have to admit, this gorgeous mild weather we're having is not putting me in a very Autumnal mood. Maybe the craft will help!

    1. Hi Theresa, I'm about to go to to select the winners and saw your comment. I know what you mean! A trip to the NT market this past Tuesday helped me to get in the mood for fall. But not so much for the cooking -- yet!


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