
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The County Fair Chocolate-Covered Bacon

Louie and I went to the Erie County Fair yesterday, something we do every year. It's always fun; there's so much to see and learn and do. And eat.

Oh dear. Let's take a closer look...

Louie and I didn't treat ourselves with any of these. But we might have shared a "Fried Dough." It is the county fair, after all, and it's only once a year. ;) 

I've been sewing but not keeping up with photos. I will bring you up to date one of these days. Oh, and I'm planning a road trip to western Massachusetts and southeast Vermont later this week.

Have you been to your local county or state fair yet this year? What did you see, eat, learn, and do?

And I'll leave you with this photo from the fair.
Everybody Loves Louie
Blessings and peace...


  1. Chocolate-covered bacon is NOT a food I would try!!! I've seen fried candy bars at fairs and I didn't try those either! I think my arteries would clog if I walked too close to that stand.

    1. Hi Elaray, Thanks for leaving such a funny comment: thinking arteries would clog if you walked too close... I know the feeling!

  2. How could you not try chocolate covered bacon? Sounds fantastic.

    I too have trouble keeping up with the photos. It's all good as long as we sew. You must live just across the border from me. I love to cross border shop in the Buffalo area. I am in just outside Toronto.

    1. Hi Janlynn, Hi Neighbor! Thanks for stopping by. I get to Toronto and Oakville every now and then. And the IKEA store in Burlington. One thing I'd love to do with someone who sews is to go to the little garment district in Hamilton. I was there years ago, and I'm sure it's changed, but I'd still like to do that.

  3. I am now officially sick to my stomach. :-) My DH ran for public office years ago, and we attended every county fair in our large rural district. Needless to say, he is not a fair goer now, but I love them.

    1. Hi Mary, the first photo was actually just representative, not the extreme!!! I do love a lot about the fair, especially the Creative Arts Building, which houses garment sewing, knitting, quilting, and lots more. Oh and I love the 4-H kids' animals and the posters that it's obvious that the kids made. I took a picture of my all-time fav last year, I think. And we like the demonstrations of things like weaving, pickle making, etc. and I love the people watching! Oh! And I bought my Laura Star (steam generator) ironing system at the fair about 15 years ago, and it's still serving me well. Th rides? Um, no; I don't believe in paying to be terrified. ;)

  4. LOL. The Texas State Fair will be opening in Dallas in September. It's a big deal and goes on for 3 weeks, 4 weekends. They have a contest(among many) (which is probably going on about now) for a "New" deep fried food. Past winners have included deep fried coke, deep fried icecream, deep fried macaroni & cheese, deep fried twinkies....and the list goes on.... deep fried guacamole, deep fried snickers..... I was actually going to try a deep fried twinkie, but I could never find the food stand that was making them. I'm sure my internal organs thanked me.

    1. Hi Linda, Thanks for commenting. I'll be interested to hear what "food" "wins" the new contest! Will you please report back?

  5. How much did they charge for their Chocolate-covered bacon ?


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