
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just Had a Little Blogging Moment

When I started my blog last fall, it was to give back a tiny measure of what people all over the world have given to me and to keep a record of my sewing and knitting projects as well as how I have improved my health. Then I started and learned a couple of things:
  • It takes a lot of work to create a tutorial.
  • I love love love to hear from my readers.
  • Comments from spamsters (which seldom appear here) are, for the most part, pretty funny.
  • People are so very kind and helpful.

So I was just clicking around, visiting a few blogs, and saw someone's request for guest bloggers who will post a tutorial for the "festive season" (code for Christmas, I think). I read a bit about it and thought, "Oh I have a couple of ideas; I think I could help!" And then I read the requirements, which included:

have a reasonable amount of traffic  - page views of 75,000 per month or more   
Since statistics have never been my thing, I have seldom looked at the stats for my blog. A couple of times I've looked and been so happy to see readers from several countries in addition to the United States. So I just looked, and golly gee, I've had 12,501 page views since I started, and of course, that includes the visits from the spamsters. I believe that this means that my blog has an unreasonable amount of traffic.
So I guess I won't be offering to submit a guest post. (BTW, I don't feel bad in any way. I'm just sharing this emotion-neutral experience.) Interesting, eh? 

If you have a blog, do you care about the numbers? What do they mean to you? (Maybe I should care?)

Blessings and peace...


  1. I care about the numbers in the sense that I am a numbers geek and they are interesting to me. As are the patterns and trends that develop over time. Especially cool is to see which blog posts get read the most (not the ones I would have guessed, usually).

    I am somewhat more aware of the stats now because I only recently moved to a different platform and my old stats didn't move with me. So I am watching things build up to get a sense of what's normal. It's pretty neat.

    My blog wouldn't come near qualifying for that guest post either.

    1. Alexandra, Thank you for helping me to understand the numbers. I'm going to see which blog posts get read the most/least... hmmm, should be interesting!

  2. Your original goal with your blog had nothing to do with numbers, but a sense of friendship and comraderie. With that you have succeeded, beautifully.

    1. Hi Rhonda, Aw, thank you. Your note makes me feel like you know my heart!

  3. This is HI-Lar-ious, as my Dad used to say. What are we, mini mags? You have succeeded and your blog spreads cheer and info throughour the blogosphere.

    I occasionally look at my numbers, but try to avoid that because I want to write from my heart, not FOR an audience, but for myself. That someone else might be interested in my musings, and my creations, is a plus. Thanks for the chuckles...75,000 per month my ass.

    1. Mary, You made me "LOL out loud" (as Monk the detective used to say). Thanks for that and also for your compliment. I really believe that "we help each other" in a million little ways. Oh, and I know! People read my blog? :)

  4. Jeeze - that is a bit arrogant of the requester! I would be happy for any quest on my blog - even if they have no readers. I do like the stats, I like to see where my readers are and how many people read my blog. But I - like you and I think like a lot of us - blog for ourselves as a journal. I am just really excited to see that I have readers.

    1. Hi BeaJay, Thanks for stopping by for a little visit and leaving such a supportive comment. I don't know if it's arrogant -- maybe that's the arrangement she has with whoever supports her blog. I know that for some people, their blog is their source of income. Still, 75K page views? Me too, excited to see that I have readers.
      Oh I've been meaning to tell you, I love your little kitty whatever-it's-called. >^-^<

  5. Aren't you going to tell us the name of the Blog with Outstanding Stats?
    When I started I was frantic about the numbers - thinking what's the point in writing and photographing etc if no one's going to read? But now that I'm settled in, I really don't care too much: I have a circle of readers and we all swop stories and adventures in sewing. You blog title, Sandra says it all - it's all about helping each other, encouraging each other and offering support.
    Oh and I'm sure your 'festive' project would be a super one too. Post it on your own site!

    1. Haha, Ruth, I have no idea which blog it was. Although a person could find it easily enough by enquoting (!) the phrase I italicized -- I didn't change it at all -- and googling it.
      My daughter offered to write a guest post on my blog one time; I should ask her about her stats! LOL (She doesn't have a blog...)
      Yes, I think I will post some Christmas project tutorials in the coming months, hopefully before December 20th. Thanks for your supportive and kind comment. I appreciate you!

  6. I'm with you. Blogging should be fun and personal. Not about numbers and money.

    1. Hi Janlynn, Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts about this. I don't mind if someone earns some $ through their blog -- after all, I have a couple of links here that would benefit me $. It was more about the requirement of page views and my total cluelessness about all of that.
      Overall, it wasn't the least bit upsetting to me, I was just surprised and then curious. And it doesn't change my perspective about my little blog. I blog when I have something to share, especially if I think it will help and/or encourage others.

  7. You already get WAY MORE comments than I ever do. I am so sad sometimes because NOBODY comments after I spent hours on my blog. BUT, I tell myself it doesn't matter. It is my "journal" and when I'm over 80, I can look at it and remember who I am and what I like to do. (-;

    1. Joy, I hope you just remember that it's *your* journal to do with as you please. I think it's such a great way to keep a record of projects and ideas and whatever a person wishes.

  8. I looked at my numbers once and thought it might be silly for me to continue posting because not many were reading. Sadly, I don't have much time to devote to my projects and blog. I mainly keep the blog because I enjoy reading others. However, as I continued to post every now and then, I met new bloggers through their comments. I may have never discovered your blog if I hadn't continued. For me it is all about the inspiration I receive from others and living vicariously through their sewing projects when teaching doesn't allow me to get to my own.

    1. Hi Anna Christina, Thank you for stopping by for a little visit and for your comment. I am finding that adding blogs to my list of blogs here on my blog and also adding blogs to Bloglovin' is a really easy way for me to visit blogs -- when there is a new post. (I used to just randomly visit blogs and some of that time, I would visit a blog that hadn't been updated in a while. <- not the best use of my time) There is no "perfect" here, or as Mrs. Ryan used to say, "Perfection is for Heaven!" And goodness, yes, you all inspire me so much! Thank you!

  9. Hi Sandra, I did worry about how many people were visiting my blog at one stage but I now just enjoy the fact that people take time out of their busy lives to leave such lovely comments (spamsters not included!). I am now another one for your statisics. Have a wonderful week. xx

    1. Hi Chel, Thanks for visiting. It's weeks later that I'm reading blog comments, so I apologize for my late reply. I've gone back to not paying attention to the numbers. I never was a numbers person, anyway. Oh and I hope you'll be a regular visitor!

  10. I blog about personal finance but I also sew and found your blog from a post written about Sure Fit Designs on Pattern Review.

    The numbers matter to me in the sense of me wanting to know if I'm just talking to the air. Like most bloggers, comments mean a lot to me for the same reason. It seems like every time I get discouraged, someone will message me saying they are now saving their former car payment. I hope one day it will be one of my kids. :)

    1. Hi Mary, I know I'm just talking to the air. No wait, that's here at home. LOL. Personal finance is another interest of mine, so I'll be visiting your blog soon! Thanks for stopping by and leaving this comment.


In the "Comment as" drop-down box, you can choose Name/URL and then enter your name (first name is enough) and you don't have to include a URL. I have disabled comments from Anonymous because of too much sp@m. Please let me know if you have any questions about this; thanks. You know I want to make it as easy as possible to hear from you!