
Sew Tips & Resources

Damp sponge with little threads
I use a dampened sponge to "catch" or hold threads when the air is dry. The threads would rather stick to the damp sponge than to my fingers.
~ ~ ~

When denim is folded, its thickness
becomes apparent.

Smack, smack.

Thinner, more manageable.
~ ~ ~


  1. Loose threads stick to pieces of batting also. Then you can just pick up batting, thread and all and toss it.

    Hugs, Joy

    1. Hi Joy, Oh that's a great idea! Next time I use batting, I won't be so quick to toss the remnants!

  2. Thanks for the tip. I had never thought of bashing the denim with a hammer.

    1. Hi Anonymous, Thanks for visiting. This reminds me that I should add more tips. I need a tip for finding more time!


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