
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sewing Contest You Can Vote On

Oh me oh my. There's another sewing contest, and everybody can vote. It's sponsored by Fabric Mart, a great online fabric shop. You can read all about the contest here. The contest started with ten contestants, and now there are nine. Too bad I didn't post this a few days ago, or you would have been able to vote for one of the entries in the first challenge: 

"The theme for this week's challenge was using recycled materials to create a look. We let the door wide open on this challenge to see what our designers could really do! We told them they could use materials that would otherwise be thrown away, such as scraps from their sewing room. Or reinvent old pieces of clothing to create a new fashion forward look."

Kathy, who won the first challenge, made a cute peachy-salmon color party dress from her wedding gown! One contestant was eliminated, so now there are nine. Stay tuned for the next challenge. I know I will. 

I really want to tell you who I voted for. But instead, go take a look at all ten entries for the first challenge, read their stories, and let me know what you think. 

Blessings and peace...


  1. Sandra, All the contestants are ones to watch...I am interested in this week's challenge, which is using the Salme pattern.

    1. Hi Mary, I don't see the new challenge. If you don't mind, would you please send it to me? Thanks! I'm off to google Salme pattern! :)

    2. Just found the Salme patterns. This should be interesting!


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