
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Decluttering Skills Fail - Added an Embroidery Machine

Before dearly treasured family members came for a visit this weekend, which was followed by an overnight trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to see a Pirates (baseball) game, ... I bought an embroidery machine! It's a Brother PE770 embroidery-only machine. I'm really excited about this new addition to my sewing room, although I have to create some space so that I can get it set up.

Evidently I am going to have to un-retire to pay for all the embroidery thread I will need. And software. And stabilizers. And spray adhesive. And designs.

Maybe I can make this pay for itself. Hahahahahahaha!

I welcome any and all tips, hints, suggestions, resources, and ideas of how to learn to use my new toy. Thanks!

{{Sorry, no photos; I'm on my iPad.}}

Blessings and peace...


  1. Very Brave Sandra, I have no idea what one it so I am looking forward to see some projects. Thanks for subscribing to my blog. Jo x

    1. Thanks, Jo, for stopping by and leaving a comment. Brave or silly -- that is yet to be determined, Jo. :)

  2. You put your finger on the exact reason I have resisted adding an embroidery. I began quilting a few years ago and I'm now buying quilting paraphernalia in addition to sewing stuff. If I added an embroidery machine, I'd have to start buying all the things you mentioned! And, I'd probably have to move to store it all!

    Have fun with your new machine.

    1. Elaray, Hi and thanks for visiting! Yes, I totally understand (about all the "stuff"). I think that's why I held out for so long. But I had a weak moment... We'll see what develops from this. Fun, hopefully. A little pulling out of hair, probably. Those learning curves!

  3. YIPPEE!!! I have Artista Software, and I love it. They just came out with a new version. If you buy it, I can help you with it. I digitize my own designs a lot though. If you are just going to use designs already for use, you don't need fancy software.

    I have a Bernina 180E -- had 2 but gave one to my sister -- and I have a Babylock Ellisimo which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Would never go back to the Bernina Embroidery machine. The Ellisimo is much nicer, in my opinion.

    Hugs, Joy

    1. Hi Joy, I don't know what Artista Software is; is it compatible with my machine? All I know so far is that the designs need to be in PES format. I'm in what I call "overlap mode" -- I'm still getting to know Sure-Fit Designs and now this!

  4. Sounds like you made the perfect purchase before retiring. You will have plenty to keep yourself entertained and just the right machine to make a little money if needed. I have so many projects that would be so much cuter with a monogram or embroidery design and wish I knew someone nearby whom could pay to do it. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Anna and welcome to my blog! (Actually, I retired a year ago; maybe I retired too soon? No...) Thanks for leaving such an encouraging comment!

  5. Congrats. You're going to love seeing those designs stitching themselves as you stare in amazement. I have a combination embroidery/regular sewing machine. I use the embroidery some but not enough. I'm not very knowledgeable but when the spirit moves me, I rely on my instruction book which is about 10 times thicker than a regular instruction booklet and very detailed. Have fun. Oh, and I got a part time job at a fabric store to pay for mine which led to a fabric stash that will haunt me till I die, probably.Lol!

    1. Diana, I feel like you know me -- I just love to watch people work! Now I'll get to watch my embroidery machine work, well, after I figure it out, that is. I am so easily entertained! Of course I've thought about getting a job at a non-chain fabric shop; around here it's only quilting shops, which are very nice, but not always what I am looking for. Wait, please don't think for a second that I don't already have a very well-stocked "resource center" right here! LOL

  6. Oh, you about to enter a whole new world of adventure! I got my 1st emb machine back in 96 and had so much fun. Almost everything got an embroidery on it. I upgraded several years later to a machine with a bigger embroidery space and went to town once again. I don't embroider as much as back then, but I do like to use it for baby gifts, etc. I would never give it up!

    1. Hi Linda, Thanks for visiting. I think that my hoop is 5 x 7, or maybe that's the embroidery size and the hoop is a little bigger? Yup, I know that I will feel the urge to embroidery anything that doesn't move on its own. :) How do you use it for baby gifts?

    2. I've embroidered 'sayings' and baby's name on bibs and burp pads. Cute animals on onesies. Small flowers on a cotton or flannel receiving blankets. Mainly for bids and burp pads, tho.

    3. I think this is as good a time as any to start collecting "sayings" -- feel free to share! Thanks!

  7. Congrats! I hope you have time to play with yours. I bought one several months ago, and have taken it out of the box, but that's about it. I'll be interested in watching your journey!

    1. Hi Lynda, Thanks! I know how it is to buy something and then not use it for a while. I'm not in a race, so it is likely to be a while before I'm up and running. Plus there's that issue of thread... :)

  8. Congratulations, Sandra! Embroidery is fun. And yes, it's a whole another hobby in terms of supplies. I'm looking forward to seeing some embroidered projects.

    1. Hi Alexandra, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I don't think I appreciated the vast array of supplies that this new adventure will need. It will be a while before I have anything to show for it!

  9. Sandra I haven't ventured into embroidery yet!! I'm looking forward to watching your creative output.

    1. Hi Roz, The creative output, well, let's just say, don't hold your breath! I am feeling a bit overwhelmed (and excited at the same time)! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!

  10. A lil late to the party, but congrats on your purchase! Once you get started, you'll wonder how you did without it! A few embroidery design sites you might like are embroidery library ( and urban threads ( Both sites have great designs, run sales on a regular basis, and offer freebies too! Good luck!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Polish and Stitches, and for contributing some great resources!
