
Friday, March 22, 2013

Answer and What's In My Mental Junk Drawer

The answer to my question from my previous post is: It's a camera stand that my husband made for me, taking pictures of, well, my camera in the camera stand (in a mirror). LOL

The red felt covered pieces really help the camera to fit snugly, even at an angle. I am very happy with it, even though I haven't used it.

Do you have a drawer with all kinds of stuff in it, never sure what's in there and where the contents should really be? I am always decluttering, so I don't really have one of these. However, I have a mental junk drawer, and here are a few things that are on the top layer:

  • Since I last wrote, I am not on my computer very much. I use my iPad to check email and bounce around the Internet and Facebook. It doesn't seem possible to submit blog posts via my iPad (plus my photos are on my computer). As I might have mentioned, I retired last spring. This past year has been a transition in some unexpected ways (not bad, not good, just different), and I don't feel like I'm finished with it yet. One thing I've learned/realized is that ::shock:: I am the same person I was when I was working ::shock:: LOL
  • The sewing part of my life has consisted mostly in squares and rectangles, and let's face it, who wants to see photos of napkins I've made out of fabric originally intended for a Christmas tree skirt? My sewing has bored even me, and believe me, I am not easily bored. Ask anybody who knows me. Being bored and being boring are two completely different things. I'm sure some people find me boring. Onward.
  • The other part of my sewing life has been watching a DVD and some online tutorials in preparation for my upcoming SureFit Designs classes. Now, THIS is exciting! I'll be going to Eugene, Oregon, for 6 days of classes, learning and fine-tuning the fit of my SureFit patterns. The cost including classes, airfare, hotel, and rental car is just ridiculous. I could not justify it to anyone. On the up side, I don't have to. If I had to, I could say that I already have the fabric for the muslins (from one of Fabric Mart's bundles that I purchased last year).
  • If my classes are successful, and I am defining success as I will be able to make a pair of pants and tops that fit (and flatter? okay, I'll settle for fit) with only minor alterations. Wild success is defined as I will also be able to make design changes to the patterns. And if my classes are successful, I will definitely have sewing things to write about. Stay tuned.
  • My quiet time is about to end; my husband will be returning shortly. He's been enjoying walking without having to pile on outerwear; going to spring training baseball games; and missing me.
  • Dear Apple, why oh why did you go backward in technology with the iPad mini? I really want an iPad mini; it will fit in my purse so much better than my iPad. I'll buy the next version of iPad Mini -- if and only if it has the retina display of my iPad 3 (and 4). My husband has been waiting patiently, knowing that he will inherit my iPad; in the meantime, he has been reading his email and browsing the Internet on his iTouch. Really, now, that's just not right.
  • I have dedicated a lot of time, thought, prayer, and activity to Lent this year. It is so worth it.
  • My heart is so full of gratitude for the service of now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, with whom I share a birthday. (I'm the younger one. Like that's the only difference.)
  • It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas out there, and it's March, people (and Mother Nature). I am ready for some nice weather. By nice, I mean at least 50 degrees, 60 would be better, and 70 would be just lovely. My winter gloves are wearing out; I need to replace them, but the selection of leather gloves in our local department stores is understandably pretty limited. And I can't buy gloves without trying them on. Plus, it's gardening gloves that are in every store these days.
  • After scraping the texture from the textured ceiling in the downstairs bathroom, I've decided that actually, the textured ceiling in the adjacent family room in fine, really. No need to tackle that project. The next owners can do that. Not that we're planning to move in the near future.
  • My search for the perfect purse continues.
  • If I (we) move to another city, it will have to be one that has a Nordstrom within driving distance.
  • I was just not able to maintain my fat-free vegan diet while on vacation, and I haven't gotten fully back on board since then. I'm thinking of calling a friend to see about going out for a fish fry tonight.
  • Oh dear. I colored my hair. The result was surprising, and I was not hoping for a surprise. I then bought a product called Color Oops, which removed much of the pink tones. I am left with a shade of orange that I have not admired when I've seen it on other women. Oh dear.
  • Does reversing two chairs seem like an easy-peasy task? Somehow it's not. Because it's not just the chairs; it's everything around both of them.
  • I saw a pair of earrings at Nordstrom and, while I liked them (A LOT), I thought they might be too fancy. I've since decided that a little bit of fancying up is just what appeals to me.
  • Oh and I would have thought that spamsters would choose more active blogs to post their spammy comments. Not very savvy of them. 

Blessings and peace... 


  1. So glad to know all is well and in a million years I would not come up with camera stand. What great "things" for picture taking.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth, for your good wishes. And yes, this camera stand will be as handy as a pocket, I am sure.

  2. so delitghted to get a little glimpse into your mental stash of stuff! Love it! Hope you're well! (enjoy your fish fry!)

    1. Theresa, Hi!!! It's a little scary to empty my junk drawer here. But it got me back to posting. Of course I'm rethinking the fish fry idea and how "not Essie" it is. sigh.

  3. I'd say that your mental junk drawer is pretty organized! The only thing missing was a photo of your hair. For visual aid purposes. Using your camera stand!

    1. Hi Emily, That's only the top layer of my MJD. ;) And, um, er, no, there won't be any photo documentation of my current hair color. It's fading with each shampoo, so maybe it won't last the advertised 6 to 8 weeks. Hope hope hope.

  4. I'm so glad you're back Sandra - I was missing you. What a perfect and supporting husband you have - mine doesn't even read my blog, but he is my style guru.

    1. Hi Ruth, thanks for stopping by! Oh my husband is *so* not my style guru; that's a scary thought. Love him, though!
