
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Is There Room for One More at This Party?

After telling people for the last oh-so-many years, "I'm an editor, not a writer," and declining any and every project that involved writing, here I am thinking for a brief moment that I have any business starting a blog. I do have a few topics I want to share with you, my dear reader(s), so we'll see whether this blogging thing is as simple as people tell me.

And simple this blog will be. Easy sewing projects. Easy knitting projects. Easy food ideas.

I hope to write about my own projects and to share resources that help me to add beauty and goodness to our world. Because I am never "making it" without help, whether it's another blog, a YouTube video, books, family, friends, and faith.

My first blog post was going to be about yesterday's Autumn Craft Day (fallen leaves dipped in melted beeswax) that we did with several young children, but I forgot to take pictures. So I'm hoping to have another Autumn Craft Day; after all, I still have the beeswax in the slow cooker.

And sometimes "making it" is about getting through a situation, circumstance, or season; we might explore that, too.

Blessings and peace...


  1. I'm excited to read on this blog journey!

    1. Thanks, Kiera, my first commenter. I'll do my best to keep it going...

  2. Out of the many, many blogs out there, there are two that I check daily. Now there are three. Yay!

    1. I am very honored, Emily. I know how precious your time is. XOXO
